Physics,Maths and Other topics

So this contains various webpages to labs and textbooks, and other sources. All are named aptly and ordered like crap. Please don't mind the untidiness!


  1. A very very cool website containing links to almost all basics concepts of physics explained beautifully!
  2. An online particle physics textbook.
    Open Text Project
  3. Awesome webpage containing resources to many lectures and on topics such as X-Ray scattering,etc
    Rudi Winter's Webspace
  4. Another physics textbook
    The Physics Hypertextbook
  5. A nice article for aspiring physicists
    How to become a good theoretical Physicist
  6. This contains information related to topic of Radioactivity
  7. An interesting website for Understanding special and general relativity
    Einstein For everyone


  1. A website with an alternative approach to teaching mathematics
  2. A textbook on Chaos and its mathematics
    The Choas Hypertextbook
  3. Another website contains notes and materials from a class for Chaotic Systems
    Chaos on the web
  4. A website with resrouces on topics such as complexity and emergence...really awesome! Also contains other awesome topics
    Complexity and emergence
  5. A damn cool website relating chaotic maths and systems!
  6. An alternative form of teaching maths
    Interactive Mathematics
  7. History of Mathematicians!
  8. Awesome page contains lots of cool links!

    Other Stuff

  1. This is a webcollection of all Theses from MIT Grad and PhD Students. Has papers from all branches. Cool stuff
    MIT Theses
  2. Dunno what this is, but has very cool topics to read upon
    Informational Society Notes
  3. An interactive introduction to system sciences.
    System Sciences
  4. A website dedicated to US-Military techniques and Technologies
    Military Analysis Network
  5. Cool Optical Illusions!
    The Illusions Index

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