The Kingdom of Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning Stuff

  1. 'Awesome' Github link for Machine Learning Related stuff
  2. Awesome Machine Learning
  3. A Crash Course by Google developers on macine learning!
    Google Machine Learning Crash Course
  4. A github repo containing various jupyter notebooks in python for practicing and learning
    Github notebooks!
  5. Another person's personal website containing various notebooks
    More Notebooks!
  6. An intresting article by google on use of machine learning and computer architecture
    Link to article
  7. A UCI domain website providing free datasets to work and test your code on!
    Hungry for more data?
  8. Contains many brief and informative articles on machine learning(And Deep learning)
    Last link!

AI and Deep learning!

  1. OpenAI very personal course for better understanding of reinforcement learning
    Open Ai's ' Hand's on' tutorial xD
  2. An Ex-Google Brain's Employee's blog
  3. A very very cool guy's website of simply explained blogs about AI and NLP
    Jay Alammar's Blog
  4. An online book for Neural networks
    NN and DL
  5. An online book for Neural networks
    NN and DL
  6. The Godfather of all online MOOCS! MITOCW's deep learning series
    Deep learning for pedestrians :P
  7. Stanford's Course on CNN and DL
    MIT Ocw's competitor
Will keep this updated with the latest links!!

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