Programming, Computer Science and Software Engineering

A huge set of links and data for learning general purpose programming or solving some computer science project. Also some tips and tricks for software engineering and coding interviews. It is divided into multiple groups for more easier browsing. Many links contains the same teaching materials. That is meant as alternative websites if you find some dicfficult. Feel free to explore this page.

Theoretical Computer Science

  1. A resource for getting up with basics of computer architecture
    Comp Arch
  2. A small crash course of operating systems
    Operating Systems: Final Exam Study Guide
  3. A website dedicate to some fascinating designs in the history of computer architecture
    Computer Architecture history
  4. Quantum Information Resource site.....contains damn awesome stuff!


  1. An advanced bash scripting guide
    Advanced Bash
  2. It is not your regular introduction to python, has some cool tricks for doing numerical calculations.
    Programming for computation(Python)
  3. The same as previous link but instead implemented in Matlab...another good and awesome tool for computations, especially matrix operations.
    Programming for computation(MATLAB and Octave)
  4. Another small and short introduction to python for computations science and engineering
    Introduction to Python For Computer Science and Engineering
  5. A website with tutorials for learning LATEX, a open source professional typesetting software
    LaTEX tutorials

Software Engineering

  1. An awesome place for software developers to learn and interact!
    Dev Community
  2. A place to see and read about other developers sharing their work experience


  1. Some website dedicated to linux
    The Linux Information Project
  2. Awesome article to start learning linux
    Learn Linux
  3. Bored with the basics of trying out new linux distributions? Why not try to build it yourself? Go your own distro!
    Linux From scratch

Cryptography and Information theory

  1. An online single page containing very basic intro to cryptography
    An Overview of Cryptography
  2. An interesting read on SHA-256, one of the most awesome algo's out there and how it works
  3. Basics of Information Theory
    Computation Structures
  4. A website having many resources realted to security and cryptography
    A hangout place for security buffs
  5. An online musuem for old and forgotten crypto machines( the forefathers of modern cryptographic machinesbr>
    Crypto musuem

Other Technologies

  1. Some basics tutorial on computer graphics ( Something I haven't dwelved into yet!)
  2. Cool fluid simulation website!!
    WebGL fluid simulation
  3. Build a computer online from scratch!
  4. A book on virtual reality. It also contains notes for a course as taught by Steven M LaValle
    Virtual Reality