

Here lies resources that I found useful over the years. Will try to organize them into a much more coherant set. Others will be kept at a seperate place in my GitHub!

If you want to look at a previous iteration of mine, you can look at my previous website, where I have given links to some of the resources that excited me at that time. Mind you that that repo isn’t currently maintained😅, so some of the links might be broken. Will fix it in the future!


Like many of tech peeps out there, I like sharing links and articles and resources that I found helpful (and also things that I “think” I would have found useful 🙃). But whatever is free, should be used by most number of poeple. Knowledge is power and hence I would like to help other people on the internet, similar to how I was (and still am) being helped by the people of the internet.


  • There are a lot of links that need a lot of be sorted and put out here. So, I’m thinking order by major sciences, then individual niche topics maybe. It all depends on how interesting I have visited the websites and have found helpful. I gotta be honest here, I don’t visit half the websites I see here, but again, there’s no harm in ‘links hoarding’ xD.
  • So, I’m dividing them into Ordered and Unordered. More divisions are to come.

Computer Science

  • MIT Thesis Catalogue: Contains a searchable catalogue for all MIT theses. Isn’t it excting to have great minds efforts at the tip of your hands?

Meta Wiki

Random Pages
People Pages

Just a list of people I find cool.

[Blog, Pedagogy] Scott H. Young[Blog] Alexey Guzey[Peadagogy] Michael Nielsen
[programming, game map design] Amit Patel[Blog, Geopolitics] The Scholar’s Stage[AI, Computers] Andrej Karpathy
[Money ] Naval Ravikant