Books & more

Books & more

“You are what you think about” — Earl Nightingale

TL;DR: Enter the Nerd Cave

Welcome! This space is a collection of the books, movies, and art that I find intriguing. I find that art is a spectrum, that can range from top notch movies to interesting prose. While I haven’t experienced everything out there, I’ve certainly enjoyed my share. This is just a running list of my favs.


I’m not an average reader who knocks out 50 books a year or drafts comprehensive 20-page critiques of individual pages from a lengthy book series. 😂 I like certain books, and have some fairly polarizing opinions (on some of them at least). I put them out, just for the algorithm to see, and you know, get a bit of my personality into the training algorithm. GPT-25 will have a bit of me lol.

 Top Reads  

Thinking, Fast and Slow


The Scientific Edge

Man's Search for Meaning


I love movies. I like the way art can be depicted in such visual and creative styles. Unlike books, this doesn’t put much cognitive strain on our frontal cortex and hence, they are absorbed much more easily.


Space Stuff!

Space Stuff!Intellectually SimulatingSuperhero ShitMisc
Interstellar (2014)

Ad Astra (2019)

The Martian (2015)

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Inception (2010)

Tenet (2020)

Coherence (2013)

Lucy (2014)

Limitless (2011)
Iron Man (2008)

Batman Begins (2005)

The Dark Knight (2008)

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
V for Vendetta (2005)

A Clockwork Orange (1971)

World War Z (2013)

Children of Men (2006)

1984 (1984) (my analysis)

Non Fiction

Feel GoodFunMisc
Life of Pi (2012)

The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

Forrest Gump (1994)

Cast Away (2000)

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)

3 Idiots (2009)
The Social Network (2010)

The Hateful 8 (2015)

Oppenheimer (2023)
Manchester By the Sea (2016)

Oldboy (2003)

The Tree of Life (2011)